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VERGO – Scott Hampton

We know that reputation can be everything to a business, and that is why VERGO works with us as their Trusted Hire Partner, their reputation is safe in our hands. Our customers know that working with us means their Hires are planned, checked, and managed every step of the way.

“Vergo Pest Control has enjoyed a longstanding partnership with Wow Now Hire spanning several years. Our line of work frequently demands quick and responsive actions, and we take great pride in consistently delivering exceptional service to our valued customers.

Collaborating with Wow Now Hire empowers us to act swiftly, as they exemplify remarkable responsiveness. They play a pivotal role in assisting our surveyors by facilitating urgent site surveys and offering expert guidance on the optimal machinery specifications, ultimately enabling us to efficiently complete projects while optimising cost-effectiveness.”

Scott Hampton – VERGO Pest Management – Operations Director

B&Q – James Leggett

B&Q are a well know national retailer, who need responsiveness and accountability from their Hire & Services provider. Read why James Leggett, B&Q Purchasing Manager, choses to work with our team.

“Without exception Nationwide Hire Solutions have been able to demonstrate their ability to deliver quality Powered Access solutions to each and every store location, under a strict Service Level Agreement with an impressive success rate. On time deliveries, mechanically sound machinery and high quality presentation of MEWPs have been our highest priority and Nationwide Hire Solutions have consistently shown success rates for each of these key indicators of over 99% during the duration of the contract.”

James Leggett – B&Q, Purchasing Manage


Case Studies