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Partner Charity

Sophie's Legacy

Sophie’s Legacy

Nationwide Hire is proud to be supporting the amazing local charity Sophie’s Legacy

Sophie’s Legacy is a charity which supports children with terminal illnesses and their families. Close to our home and hearts in Fareham, they are a local Hampshire charity with a huge national mission.

Sophie’s experience throughout her treatment gave her the inspiration to want the following things changed.

  • ​Play specialist 7 days a week in hospitals
  • ​Improvements to food for children in hospital
  • ​For parents to be fed when staying with their child
  • For GP’s, nurses and health professionals to be trained in childhood cancer
  • ​To increase the funds (currently 3%) in childhood cancer research

The charities trustees are working hard to ensure the legacy in memory of a remarkable young girl who touched so many lives

If you’d like to learn more about Sophie’s Legacy please click here.

To make a donation to Sophie’s Legacy please use this link